Cheyenne Dictionary



á'e   p. near, soon, close. á'e tónėstȯhéé'ėše after a few days. See: káhkėse; káseto; óméso. Category: distance, time.

-háa'éhoma'o'e   vii. be far; be a long ways. É-háa'éhoma'o'e. It is a long ways. fii: -óma'o'e. See: háá'ėše; -háa'esó; hohátaa'ėše. Category: distance.

-háa'esó   vii. far, long, tall. -tó'esó seems to be about a longer distance than this word; this word could be used, for example, of a table being long. É-háa'ēso. It's far away. fii: 'esó; Antonym -kásó. See: -tó'esó; -tsėhe'esó; -tsėhe'kesó; háá'ėše; -háa'éhoma'o'e. Category: size, distance.

háá'ėše   p. far. Éše'he háá'ėše éhoése. The clock is high up. (for example, high up on the wall). Antonym káhkėse. Háá'ėše éhó'ta. It's far. (said when playing horseshoes). Phon: vs See: vó'héé'ėse; hákó'e; hoháá'ėše; hohátaa'ėše; -háa'esó; -háa'éhoma'o'e; háa'éše-. Category: distance, horseshoes.

hákó'e   p. long time ago, far (distance and time). hákó'e tȧháóhe évaveto long, long ago. See: háá'ėše; évaveto; tótseha. Category: time, distance.

-hehpa'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. farther. É-hehpa'hāhtse. He threw it farther. Category: distance, throw.

-hehpa'ham   vta. throw s.o. farther. É-hehpa'hamóho. He threw him (obv) farther. Category: distance, throw.

-he'éhoma'o'e   vii. such distance. Nexa taoheóne, étanėhe'éhoma'o'e. It is two miles in distance. Category: distance.

-he'esó   vii. Gram: rr that long in time, that far. É-he'ēso. It is that far. Eše tsé-he'ėsotse hestónaho mó'ȯhkenėhešetanó'tovȯhevóhe all day long she would think about her daughter that way. [1987:57] Naa nėhē'še éstanėšėhováneehéhoo'o áa'e tséox-he'ėsotse. And then he was gone a year, that's how long. [Two Young Ladies] Category: time, distance.

-hoháá'ėše   p. very far. Contracted oháá'ėše. See: háá'ėše far; hohátaa'ėše very far apart; háa'eše very late. Category: positions, distance.

hohátaa'ėše   p. very far apart. This is a reduplicated form. Phon: The phonemic spelling is /hohátaeš/, parallel with háá'ėš /háéš/ Hohátaa'ėše é'ameotsénėsestȯtse o'hē'ėstse. Rivers were a long ways apart. [The Journey.151] Non-reduplicated háá'ėše. See: vó'hee'ėse; háá'ėše; hoháá'ėše; -háa'éhoma'o'e. Phon: vs Category: distance.

ho'né'ėstóva   obl. step, yard. a measure of approximately one yard. no'ka ho'né'ėstóva one step length. Category: distance.

káh-   i. close. É-káhoése. He is hanging close. Variant: káhan-. Category: distance.

káhan-   i. close. É-káhaneohe. It's getting close. [jwa] É-káhaneōhtse. He came close. É-káhanehe. He's close. For example, he's close to his family. Initial káh-. See: kȧhane- tired. Category: distance.

káhkėse   p. near, close. káhkėse tsénėxho'eohtsévȯse close they came. [1987:53] á'e káhkėse close. Reduplicated kokáhkėse; Synonym á'e. Category: positions, distance, horseshoes.

-káhoma'ená   vti. shorten the distance of s.t. The word can be used colloquially, for instance, to tell someone that their frequent travels to a certain place have brought that place "closer" to those who live in Cheyenne country. É-káhoma'ēna. "He didn't waste time / went there to do his business and came right back." Mó=né-káhoma'enȯhéhe. You must have shortened the distance to it. See: -káhoma'o'tsé. Category: distance.

-káhoma'o'tsé   vti. shorten the distance of s.t. É-káhoma'ō'tse. He shortened the distance of it / he didn't waste time getting there. See: -káhoma'ená; -tšėhe'kėstan. Category: distance.

káse-   pv. short, close. Móosee-káseoestȯhoehevóhe. It must have shot her really up close. [Croft 1988:30:23] Reduplicated kokáse-. Category: time, distance.

-kásó   vii. close, near. É-káso. It's close. Antonym -háa'esó. See: á'e; kahkėse. Category: distance.

nȧhéstó'e   p. beyond, further, farther. that is, further on in front of, not foreground front, as with maato. can be used as a functional command for someone to go further. Naa nȧhéstó'e xāō'o móhne'amenéhe'ȯhéhe hápó'e héne meo'o. And further on a skunk was following that same road. [Croft 1988:15:4-5] Antonym hó'hóma. See: maato; tšėhéšėstó'e. Category: positions, distance.

nenóve'še   p. a little behind. Náhtaamėhó'e'ovóneo'o nenóve'še. We followed them a little ways behind.'. [The Snakebite.019] Category: distance, check.

nexa taoheóne   obl. two miles in distance. See: taoheóne. Category: distance.

nexa taoheónéva   obl. two miles in distance. Category: distance.

o'o'hé-   pv. distant. É-o'o'hévee'e. He camped way out there. É-o'o'hémėsehe. He went a long ways to eat (that is, he's having a picnic). See: o'hé-. Category: distance.

taeváhéó'o   ni. ruler, foot. Phon: vs Plural taeváheonȯtse; Oblique taeváhéóne. See: taoheóne mile. Category: tools, size, distance.

taeváhéóne   obl. foot, feet. Naesohto taeváhéóne néxhéseéestsėstovėstse! Talk to me from six feet away! ni: taeváhéó'o. See: taoheóne mile. Category: distance.

-tó'ėsėho'sané   vai. take long steps. É-tó'ėsėho'sāne. He took long steps. Category: distance.

-tó'kėsėho'sané   vai. take short steps. Éohke-tó'kėsėho'sāne. He takes short steps. Category: distance. Antonym tó'ėsėho'sané.

tóne'es-   i. how long?, how far? Variant: tóne'ėst-. É-tóne'ēso? How long is it?/How far away is it? Category: size, distance.

-tóne'esó   vii. be how long?, be how far away? É-tóne'ēso? How long is it?/How far away is it? vai: tóne'ėstahe. See: tóne'éh-. Category: size, distance.

-tšėhe'kéhóohtá   vti., look at s.t. up close. Náta-tšėhe'kéhóóhta. I'm going to look at it up close. [The Bear and the Skunk.016] Category: distance, sight.

-tšėhe'kéhóom   vta. look at s.o. up close. É-tšėhe'kéhoomóho. He looked at him up close. ȯh-tšėhe'kéhoomee'ėstse when it is looked at up close. [The Bear and the Skunk.014] See: -némóosané; -némóosané scrutinize. Category: distance, time.

vóhne'še   p. medium distance away, a little bit longer, so long. See: vó'héé'ėse. Category: positions, distance.

vó'héé'ėse   p. a ways away, a ways distant. Vó'héé'ėse nėhéóhe hákó'e néxhéto'hovėhoneo'o; nėhéóhenȧhtȧhoo'e. Come put up the tepee a ways away from (the rest of the camp); I'll just stay there. [1987:297] See: vóhne'še; á'e; káhkėse; hákó'e; háá'ėše. Category: distance.

-vone'éhotoehené   vai. dig a very deep hole. É-vone'éhotoehēne. He dug a very deep hole. See: -vósȯhené. Category: distance.

-vone'éhotoo'e   vii. be a very deep hole. É-vone'éhotoo'e. It's a very deep hole. Ésáa-vone'éhotoo'éhane. It is not a very deep hole. Phon: not vs See: -háa'éhotoo'e. Category: distance, size.

-vone'ėstȯxe'ohe   vii. be such a long word. É-vone'ėstȯxe'ohe. It's such a long word. Category: distance.

vovó'héé'ėse   p. spaced apart, at intervals. Vovó'héé'ėse nėšenééhéne! Stand spaced apart! (said to a group). [1980:7] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated vó'héé'ėse. Category: distance.