Cheyenne Dictionary



-aéstomó   vii. false. É-aéstómo. It's false. Category: quality.

-ahe   fai. abstract AI final of state. typically refers to a rather permanent state or condition of someone. Épėhév-ahe. He is good. Éhe'kot-ahe. He's a quiet person. Éháomóht-ahe. He's a sick person. Éháa'éh-ahe. He is old/he is older/he is an elder. Category: quality, personality.

-anonáotse   vii. tangled.become.

vai. chaos, tangled, mixed. É-anonáotse. It's become chaotic / he's mixed up. for example, said when social norms customs are violated (for example if a white and black person are seen going together romantically; when customs are overturned: for example, if a father-in-law talks to his daughter-in-law). Category: quality.

anoná(v)-   i. mixed up. É-anonávo'eétahe. He's doing it in a mixed up way. É-anonáotse. It's become chaotic / he's mixed up. É-anonávo'eétahe. He's doing it in a mixed up way. Category: quality.

-éšė-pėhéva'e   vii. be all right, already good. É-éšėpėhéva'e. It is alright now. See: -pėhéva'e. Category: quality.

-háeotse   vai. worsen.

vii. worsen. É-háeotse. He/It got worse. Reduplicated -hoháeotse. Category: quality.

háonove-   pv. thickly, densely. Ésáa'éšeée-háonovemȧhoéheo'o vé'hó'e. Whitemen had not yet settled a lot. [Prairie Fires.002] Category: quality.

hávėsév-   i. bad. É-hávėsévahe. He's bad/ugly. É-hávėsévoéstomo'he. He has a bad attitude. Category: quality.

-hávėsévahe   vai. bad. could refer to a rotten potato or apple. É-hávėsévahe. He's bad/ugly. Antonym -pėhévahe. Category: quality, appearance. See: -senóvahe; -osenove.

-hávėséva'e   vii. bad. É-hávėséva'e. It is bad. Mó-hávėséva'éhanéhe. It must have been bad. Antonym -pėhéva'e. See: -senóva'e. Category: quality.

-hávėsévan   vti. make s.t. bad. Éhóno'xė-hávėsévána. He made it worse (literally, more-bad).

vta. make s.o. bad. Antonym -pėhévan. Category: quality.

hávėséve-   pv. bad, badly. É-hávėséve-néstomóne. He heard bad news. Éohkė-hávėséveameōhtse. He walks badly. É-hávėsévevo'ėstanéheveo'o. They live in a bad way. for example, they "don't have it together". Category: quality.

-hávėséveotse   vii. turn bad, become bad, spoil. É-hávėséveotse. It spoiled. (another recording) Initial hávėsév-; Final -otse. Category: quality.

-hávėsévo'tá   vii. bad sit, sit bad, moldy. for example, of bread, meat, jam. É-hávėsévó'ta. It's moldy. Category: food, quality.

-hehá   f. like, similar, same as, as. This final suffixes to both animate and inanimate nouns. The verb associated with such a noun must be a relative verb. Usage: probably obsolescing He'nétooné-héha éhéso. It's like a door. Hoóhtsetsé-héha éhe'ėstahe. He's as tall as a tree. Póesónė-héha náhešenȧhahkahe. I'm as quick as a cat. Ques: ck. pl. nouns?? See: -ahé. Category: check. See: -séesó; -séestahe; tā'se. Category: identity, quality.

he'aná-   i. easy. É-he'anávo'eétahe. He did it easily.

pv. Antonym hótoaná-. É-he'anánėhešéve. He did it easily. É-he'anáhotse'óhestove. It is easy work. [pd425] É-he'anáamēhne. He walks easily. See: he'ke-. Category: quality.

-he'anátó   vii. easy. É-he'anáto It is easy. Antonym -hótoanátó. Category: quality.

he'k-1   i. soft, quiet, slow. É-he'kȧho'he. He's cooked tender. He'kotoo'ėstse! Sit still!/Be quiet! Preverb he'ke-. Category: quality.

he'kon-   i. hard, strong. É-he'konahe. He is hard. É-he'konȧho'he. He's burnt hard. É-he'koneóó'e. He stood erect. (state of standing, not the process). Preverb he'kone-. Category: quality.

he'koneotsétó   vii. become strong, strengthened. Éhe'koneotsétotse. It (obv) was strong. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.100] Category: quality.

-he'kotȧxeotse   vii. rot. É-he'kotȧxeotse. It became rotten. See: -hoxeotse rotten; -oó'xeotse crack. Category: quality.

-he'xóvó   vii. Gram: rr how be. ... é-he'xóvo. ... that is how it is. naa nėhē'še hetoo hénėhéóhe tā'se énėhmé'eme hé'tóhe manestȯtse tséhe'xovo and then that's where it's been told about, this liquor, how it is. [1987:60] Category: quality.

-hestatamaahe   vai. dangerous. Náamēhne tséx-hestatamaahéstove. I'm walking in dangerous places. [Hymn 130] Category: quality.

hetóm-   i. true, correct. The difference between oné'seóm- and hetóm- seems to be that hetóm- refers to something being real or genuine, while the oné'seóm- refers to something being true or correct. É-hetómahe.25/Aug/2021 He is truthful. Category: quality.

-hetómétó   vii. true, correct, right. É-hetóméto. It is true. Ésáa-hetómetȯhane. It's not correct. See: -oné'seómó. Category: quality.

-hoháeotse   vai. worsen badly. Ná-hoháeotse. I was really in a bad way.

vii. Non-reduplicated -háeotse. É-hoháeotse. It (or He) got really worse. See: -mótȯheotse; -háo'omenehe. Category: quality.

-ho'sotahe   vai. dirty. É-ho'sotahe. He's dirty. Antonym -hóxe'ahe. See: -oókȯhkeve; -heše'eve; -heše'évenóohe. Category: quality.

-ho'sotsevo'ėstanéheve   vai. live in a dirty (or messy) fashion. É-ho'sotsevo'ėstanéheve. He lives in a dirty/messy fashion. Category: quality.

hoó'ėsp-   i. incomplete, not complete, not done. É-hoó'ėspȧhá'éne. She is not quite good at cooking. É-hoó'ėspahe. He's clumsy in handling things / he doesn't do things right. Category: quality.

hótoaná   i. difficult. É-hótoanaa'e. He is sitting in a difficult way. É-hótoanátsėhésenėstséstove. It is difficult to talk Cheyenne. É-hótoanáhoeme. It (for example, some book) is difficult to read. [1987:29] Náhne'éveosee-hótoanáameehéme. we really had a difficult time traveling. Variant: hótoanáv-; Antonym he'aná-. Category: quality.

-hótoanáto   vii. difficult, tough. É-hótoanáto. It's difficult. (another recording) Éosee-hótoanáto. It's very difficult. tsé-hótoanátotse that which (obv) is difficult. vai: -hótoanahe; Antonym he'anátó. Etym: cf. Meskwaki sanakat- 'be difficult' (Oxford, to appear:14). See: mo'ó'xonó. Category: quality.

hótoanáv   i. difficult. É-hótoanávȧhá'éne. She cooked in difficult ways. É-hótoanávemóho. He said something difficult to him. É-hótoanáveóó'e. He's standing in a difficult place. Variant: hótoaná-. Category: quality.

hóxe'-   i. clean. É-hóxe'āna. He cleaned it (by hand). É-hóxe'ahe. He is clean/he is pure. Category: quality.

-kánomó   vii. worthless. É-kánómo. It's worthless. Mósta-kánomóhanéhe. It must have all just been for nothing/worthless. See: -hová'ėheve. Category: quality, value.

-koké'ahe   vai. muscular, strong. É-koké'ahe. He is a strong (muscular) person. Synonym -he'konahe; Antonym -mókeetsėhestá. See: -koké'oo'e; -koké'eona'xe; -popákȧhoešé. Category: quality.

-koké'oe'tó   vai. muscular - be. Éosee-koké'oē'to. He's very muscular. Final -oe'tó. Category: quality.

-manȧha'ó   vai. increase in population. É-manȧha'oo'o. They increased in population. Category: quality.

-mo'ó'xonahe   vai. rough; coarse; tough. É-mo'ó'xonahe. He's tough/rough. vii: -mo'ó'xonó. See: -mo'ó'xahe. Category: quality, personality.

-mo'ó'xonó   vii. tough; rough. for example, life's circumstances. É-mo'ó'xóno. It's tough/rough. vai: -mo'ó'xonahe, -mo'ó'xoneta. See: -hótoanátó. Category: quality.

mo'on-   i. beautiful. É-mo'onahe. She is beautiful. É-mo'onátamáno'e. The environment is beautiful. É-mo'onō'ta. It is sitting there beautiful. Category: quality.

-mo'óna'e   vii. pretty, beautiful. É-mo'óna'e. It is beautiful. Ésáa-mo'ona'éhane. It is not beautiful. É-mo'ona'etse. It (obv) is beautiful. Phon: iah vai: -mo'onahe. See: mo'enóno'e. Category: quality.

-mo'onátamáno'e   vii. beautiful environment. É-mo'onátamáno'e. The environment is beautiful. [pd1024] Phon: iah Category: quality.

-mo'onoése   vai. hang beautiful. É-mo'onoése. He is hanging beautiful. fai: -oésé. Category: hang, quality.

-mo'onoéstá   vii. hang beautiful. É-mo'onoésta. It is hanging beautiful. Category: hang, quality.

-momó'onahe   vai. beautiful, pretty. can be of humans, horses. É-momó'onȧheo'o. They are beautiful. vii: -mo'óna'e; Non-reduplicated -mo'onahe. Category: quality, appearance.

ná'som(e)-   i. wither, stale. É-ná'somahe. He is stale; he has no energy. É-ná'sómo. It is withered. É-ná'someéno'e. It tastes stale. É-ná'someotse. It withered up (for example, flower). See: mo'óhkon- ??. Category: quality.

náno's-   i. best. See: náno't-. Category: quality.

náno't-   i. best. É-náno'tahe. He is the most important one. É-náno'tó'áne. He pronounced (something) strongest. ?? See: náno's-. Category: quality.

-náno'tahe   vai. most important, best, main one. É-náno'tahe. He is the most important one. for instance, this could be said of a tribal president. Naa móh-náno'tȧhehéhe ameméohéstóva. And she was the best one at running. [1987:245] vii: -náno'tátó, -náno'ta'e. See: -ne'tahe. Category: quality.

-náno'ta'e   vai. most important, best, main one. É-náno'ta'e It is the most important one. va: -náno'tahe; vii: -náno'tátó. Category: quality.

-náno'tátó   vii. best. É-náno'táto. It is the best. vai: -náno'tahe. Category: quality.

neeme'se-   i. plain, bare, nothing.

pv. plain, bare, nothing. É-neeme'semese ho'évohkȯhtse He ate the meat plain (there was nothing on it). É-neeme'semese. He ate it by itself (for example, eats cheese with nothing else). É-neeme'sėho'ēhne. He came with nothing. Otaxa é-neeme'sevé'ho'étanoo'o. They just think like white people. (STORIES.TXT). See: xamae-. Category: quality.

-nėhesó   vii. be so, that way (anaphoric). by implication, be the way it is supposed to be. É-nėhéso. It is like that (refers back to something already said). Naa é-nėhéso. And it is like that. Ésáa-nėsóhane. It's not like that (for example, the way you said that something is). Mé'ėstse éohke-nėhēso. It's always that way. See: -hesó; -tsėhesó. Category: quality.

-nėhestáotse   vii. become that way. É-nėhestáotse. He became that way. Éohkeno'hévóné'o hevé'keonēšėstse móh-nėhestáotsėhéhe. He had appendicitis. [Stamper 1991:4] Lit: (lit. his intestines had become that way). See: -nėhesta. Category: quality.

-né'ha'e   vii. be the same. É-né'ha'e It is the same. Énėše-né'ha'e. It is the same. Ques: how is this different from -séesó? Phon: iah See: -ne'ho'tá; -séeso. Category: quality, identity, check.

-ne'tahe   vai. main, main, important, leader - be a ?? É-ne'tahe. He is main one. for example, the main player on a basketball team. tsé-ne'taestse the one who is important. Usage: Tséne'taestse has been used as a missionary term for 'the Lord.' This church language meaning is not well known today. Etym: cf. *ke'tesiwa old person. vii: -né'ta'e. See: -nétahe; -náno'tahe; -ho'emané. Category: quality, check.

-né'ta'e   vii. important, main thing. Ques: important?? É-né'ta'e. It's the main thing ; it's important. Ésáa-ne'ta'éhane. It is not important. Hetómestȯtse é-né'ta'e. Truth is important. ?? Háahe, éta'-né'ta'e tsé'ée-tsėhésenėstséstove. Yes, it's really important to be talking Cheyenne. Phon: iah vai: -ne'tahe. See: -néta'e. Category: quality, check.

nėsenóv-   i. very bad. É-nėsenóva'e. It's very bad. É-nėsenóvoéstomo'he. He has a very bad personality. É-nėsenovomóhtahe. He is extremely sick. Category: quality.

-nétȧhévahe   vai. be different. É-nétȧhévahe. He is different. Reduplicated -nonétȧhévahe; vii: -nétȧhéva'e. See: -nétahe. Category: quality.

-nétȧhéva'e   vii. be different. É-nétȧhéva'e. It is different. Reduplicated -onétȧhéva'e. See: -néta'e. Category: quality.

nétȧhéve-   1 • i. different. É-nétȧhéveméohe. He's running different. É-nétȧhéveéno'e. It tastes different.

2 • pv. different. É-nétȧhéveéšeeve It's a holiday (literally, it's a different day). Nėhē'še éme'nėše-nétȧhéve-vo'ėstanéhevėstove "It's about time maybe you should change your way of living!" Lit: then there should be different living Reduplicated onétȧhéve-. Category: quality, identity.

-nonétȧhévahe   vai. be different. only used with plural subjects. É-nonétȧhévȧheo'o. They are different. Contract: -onétȧhévahe; Non-reduplicated -nétȧhévahe. Category: quality.

nonétȧhéve-   pv. different. tsé-nonétȧhévėstséavo'o'ee'ėstse different types of flowers. Phon: often contracted to onétȧhéve- Contracted onétȧhéve-; Non-reduplicated netȧhéve-. Category: quality, identity.

-ó'osó   vii. be wrong. É-ó'óso. ?? It's wrong. Category: check. Antonym onó'ó. Category: quality.

oné'séó'o   p. truly, true way - in a. Namėšéme oné'séó'o ho'ēva éávóóne. My grandfather fasted in a true way. vii: -oné'seómó; Preverb oné'seóme-. Category: quality.

-oné'seómó   vii. true, real, genuine. -oné'seómó refers to something being genuine/real while - hetómó?? refers to something being correct/right. É-oné'seómo. It is true. Jesus hemeo'o éno'ke-oné'seómotse. Jesus' road is alone true. (from a song). Preverb oné'seóme-; Particle oné'séó'o; vai: oné'seómahe. Ques: -hetómó?? See: hetómétó; -hetómó. Category: quality.

-onétȧhéva'e   vii. be different. Ééšemȧhe=tā'se=onétȧhéva'e hová'éhe. (Now) like, everything is all different. [1987:224] Non-reduplicated -nétȧhéva'e. Phon: redup Category: quality.

onétȧhéve-   pv. different. tsé-onétȧhévėstséavo'o'ee'ėstse different types of flowers. Non-contracted nonétȧhéve-; Non-reduplicated nétȧhéve-. Phon: redup; contracted from -nonetȧhéve-? Category: quality, identity.

-onó'ahe   vai. good, proper, upright, respected, right, handsome. There are two common pronunciations, -onó'ahe and -ono'ahe. The only difference is whether or not there is a high pitch on the second vowel. Recordings of both pronunciations are below: É-onó'ahe. He is proper. É-onó'ȧheo'o. They are proper. É-ono'ahe. He is proper. (another recording) É-ono'ȧheo'o. They are proper. vii: -onó'ó. Etym: cf. *kwayaθwi proper. Category: quality, personality.

óotamenóó'ėse   p. paying exact attention to, carefully. Ques: ms: try it, or let me see it ?? Category: check. See: vovóhpone-; ánénóó'ėse. Category: quality.

oóxésta   p. alright, all right, normal, same as always, just fine, usual - as. refers to things continuing on in the usual fashion, unchanging. Usage: somewhat humorous This is a relative particle, requiring that the following verb have a relative root or preverb. Cf. héovȧtse, another relative particle. Petter (PD745) spelled this equivalent to oóxhésta, which might indicate some connection to -hesta which is a relative root. Variant: oóxhésta. Oóxésta náhesta. I'm feeling alright. Oóxésta nápėhévomóhtahe. I'm feeling fine. naa oóxésta oha éhne'amėhe'ȯhtsésesto but still they just kept on coming. [1987:37:23] naa oóxésta éxhešeamėhnésesto but they kept on coming. [PD745: 'normal' cf] Oóxésta éstaéšeévȧhesta. He was all right again. See: -hesta be that way. Category: quality.

oóxhésta   p. all right, normal, same as always, just fine, usual - as. Variant: oóxésta. Ques: oóxésta?? Category: check. refers to things continuing on in the usual fashion, unchanging. Usage: can be humorous This is a relative particle, requiring that the following verb have a relative root or preverb. Petter (PD745) spelled this equivalent to oóxhésta, which might indicate some connection to -hesta which is a relative root. It is difficult to know if the better spelling is oóxésta or oóxhésta. See: -hesta various. Category: quality, check.

-otoésó   vii. be strange. É-otoéso. It is strange. Ésáa'-otoésȯháne. It's not strange. Category: quality.

-otoéstahe   vai. strange. É-otoéstahe. He is strange. Category: quality.

-pȧháva'e   vii. good. É-pȧháva'e It's good. (another recording) (another recording) Usage: This is an older pronunciation than -pėhéva'e. Variant: -pėhéva'e. Category: quality.

pȧháve-   i. good, well.

pv. good, well. pȧháve- is an older pronunciation than pėhéve-; it is obsolescing. tsé-pȧhávėstanovese those who live well. [1980:45:13] Né-pȧhávenéstomóne. You heard good news. Variant: pėhéve-. Category: quality.

pėhév-   i. good, well. Ná-pėhévomóhtahe. I feel good. É-pėhévȧhtomóne. He heard good news. Preverb pėhéve-. Category: quality.

-pėhévahe   vai. good, handsome. É-pėhévahe. He is good. É-pėhévȧheo'o. They (animate) are good. tsésáahešėpėhévȧhééstse since he is not good. vii: -pėhéva'e; vta: -pėhévȧhé'tov; Reduplicated -popėhévahe. See: -mo'onahe; -ono'ahe. Category: quality.

-pėhéva'e   vii. good. É-pėhéva'e. It's good. (another recording) (another recording) This is one of the most common words in Cheyenne. Notice that the "p" is aspirated. A common phonetic spelling is ipiva. Notice that the expected pronunciation of Ééšėpėhéva'e 'It is already good' is often contracted to Éšėpėhéva'e: Ééšė-pėhéva'e. It is alright now. (another recording) The preceding word is the usual pronunciation, in which éše- is shortened in this common word. A common phonetic spelling is ishpiva. É-pėhéva'ehe? Is it good? Móé-pėhéva'e? It's good? Mó'é-pėhéva'e? It's good? Énėšė-pėhéva'e. It's alright/good enough/"Leave it alone (it's good enough)!" Éosee-pėhéva'e. It is very good. Éseehoháe-pėhéva'e. It's really, really good. The preceding example illustrates how osee- is often shortened to see-. Ésáa-pėhéva'éhane. It's not good. Simplified Spelling peva'e, -piva. An older pronunciation is épȧháva'e: Variant: -pȧháva'e; vai: -pėhévahe; Antonym -hávėséva'e. Phon: sfr See: -pėhéveotse; -pėhéva'éneho. Category: quality.

-pėhéva'éneho   vii. good emphatic. É-pėhéva'éneho. It's emphatically good. This verb ends with the inanimate intransitive suffix -neho which is a Cheyenne way to emphasize something (mirative) or communicate that it happened so long ago that no one today has any personal knowledge of it. This kind of ending is called a preterit by linguists who study Algonquian languages such as Cheyenne. See: -pėhéva'e good - be; -ho2 preterit. Category: grammar, quality.

-pėhévané   vai. fix, make good, repair. É-pėhéváne. He fixed / repaired. Nėhéóhe é'ée-pėhéváne. He was fixing (the car) there. Ques: recheck final vowel via plural?? vti: -pėhévan. See: -pėhévanené. Category: quality, check.

pe'pe'e   i. chaotic, mess, trouble. É-pe'pe'eotse. It's a riot. Category: quality.

-pe'pe'ehá   vii. be littered, lie scattered, be messy. for example, of a messy room. É-pe'pe'ēha. It's messy/littered. vai: -pe'pe'ėhasené. Category: quality.

-peva'e   vii. good. É-péva'e. It's good. Precise Spelling -pėhéva'e. This is simplified spelling; In the modern Cheyenne alphabet, the full verb is officially written as Epėhéva'e, but the official spelling is more difficult to read. Also, many Cheyenne readers do not need the accent marks, so they can be left off for regular printing, and the full word can be written as just Epeva'e. Category: quality.

po-   pv. reduplication of -pėhéve. Éohkėsee'ée-popėhévėsaneo'o. They are dressed really pretty. Category: quality.

-popėhévahe   vai. good. There is greater interest in things which are described by this reduplicated verb stem than things which are described by the non-reduplicated stem, -pėhévahe. For instance, -popėhévahe things may be prettier than -pėhévahe things. É-popėhévȧheo'o. They (an.) are good. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -pėhévahe; vii: -popėhéva'e. Category: quality.

-popėhéva'e   vii. be good. only used with plural subjects. É-popėhéva'ēnėstse They (inanimate) are good. refers to them collectively or distributively ?? Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -pėhéva'e; vai: -popėhévahe. Category: quality.

popėhéve   i. good. Ques: redup É'ȯhkepopėhévenonésesto. They would sing well. [Flute Playing.009] Non-reduplicated pėhéve-. Category: quality.

-séesó   vii. same, identical. É-sééso. It is the same. É-séesónėstse. They (inan.) are the same. vai: -séestahe. See: -né'ha'e. Category: quality.

-séestá   vai. be the same. É-séésta. He is the same. É-séestao'o. They are the same. for example, of twins. Némȧhe-séestámáne. We are all the same. See: -séestahe; -ne'hahe; -séetátamaahe. Category: quality.

-séestahe   vai. same - be the. É-séestȧheo'o. They (animate) are the same. vii: -séesó. See: -séesta. Category: quality, identity.

-senóva'e   vii. very bad, terrible. É-senóva'e. It's very bad. See: -hávėséva'e. Category: quality.

tó'tae-   pv. exactly. É-tó'taetónéso! Exactly how is it? Náto'sė-tó'taenėhešéve. I am going to do exactly that. É-tó'taenėhēso! It's perfect! Tósa'e né-tó'taehoo'e? Exactly where do you live? Ná-tó'taemésehe. I ate at exactly that time. Ná-tó'taenėhēto. I repeated exactly every word to him. This is a combination of tó'- and tae-, more forceful than either alone. See: tó'-; tae-. Category: quality.

-tónesó   vii. how is it?, how it is. É-tónéso? What's the matter with it? / What is its condition? For example, what is its color, shape, or purpose? Ésáa-tónėsóhane. There's nothing wrong with it. Tsetaometónéso. It will be that way by itself. (Idiomatic meaning, something like, "Whatever will happen will happen" or "Whatever will be will be.") It will be that way by itself. (Idiomatic meaning, something like, "Whatever will happen will happen" or "Whatever will be will be.") vai: tónesta. See: tónėsóotse. Category: quality.

-tónesta   vai. how be, be of what quality, what be like, how be. for example, refers to someone's appearance, color, shape, purpose. É-tónesta? What is he like? Ésáa-tónėstáhe. There's nothing wrong with him. Násáa'ée-tónėstáhe. Nothing was (ever) wrong with me. vii: -tónesó; Reduplicated -totónesta. Category: quality.

-totáho'peotse   vii. 1 • tangled. É-totáho'peotse. It became tangled up.

2 • chaotic. Category: figurative, quality.

Tséne'taestse   vai. Gram: ppl Lord, ruler. Lit: the important one Usage: This word has been used with this Christian meaning in the post-missionary period. See: tsé-nétaestse?? 'the different one'; ; -ne'tahe important - be. Category: check, quality.

véhon-   i. chief, main, best, prominent, noble. É-véhonátamáno'e. It (for example, heaven) is a beautiful place. [Turtle Moccasin:82] É-véhonátamaahe. He looks like a chief. See: véhóne-; véhó. Category: appearance, quality.

-véhoneve   vai. be a chief, be a boss. É-véhoneve. He is a chief/boss. tsé-véhonevėstse the one who is chief. [1987:205] tsé-véhonevese the bosses. tsétsėhése-vehonevese Cheyenne bosses. na: vého. See: -ameotsėsāne. Category: quality.

vé'ȯhke-   pv. bitter. vé'ȯhkė-heóvemá'xeme lemon (literally, bitter-yellow-big-fruit). [pd959] Évé'ȯhketonéto. It's very (literally, bitter) cold. Category: quality.

xae-   pv. simply, ordinary, plain, regular. xaevo'ėstaneo'o (var. of xamaevo'ėstaneo'o) Indians (lit. ordinary-people). Násáa-xaehéne'enóhe. I simply do not know. Non-contracted xamae-. Phon: probably a contraction of xamae-, but the two terms have slightly different ranges of semantic usage Category: quality.