The Frog and Her Brothers

by Edward Riggs

[This text was interlinearized with the IT (Interlinear Text) processing program. The first line \tx of each record contains the Cheyenne Text. The second line \mr contains the Morphophonemic Representation of the Cheyenne. The third line \mg contains the Morpheme Glosses (translations) of the Cheyenne lines. Following each set of lines for a Cheyenne sentence is the \ft, Free Translation, line. For further explanations of the symbols, including the linguistic abbreviations, read the comments on the Rolling Head story.]

\ref FROG2 clause 1

\tx  Tótseha  éstáho'kónoehoo'o     oonâha'é'héhe
\mr  tótseha  é-h  -táho'kónoe-hoon oonâha'é'héhe
\mg  long.ago 3-PST-sit.upon  -PRET frog:FEM

\tx  ma'xêho'honáéva. 
\mr  ma'xe-ho'honáé-vá 
\mg  big  -rock    -OBL

\ft  Long ago a frog sat on a big rock.

\ref FROG2 clause 2

\tx  Ehnémenéehoo'o.  
\mr  é-h  -némené-e  -hoon
\mg  3-PST-sing  -sit-PRET

\ft  She sat singing.

\ref FROG2 clause 3

\tx  E'ôhketsêhéhoo'o, 
\mr  é-h  -ohke -tsê-hé -hoon

\ft  She would say,

\ref FROG2 clause 4

\tx  "Nâhtatanèmo        ôhpêhévenenoohé'ševosêstse
\mr  \ na   -htataném-o  oh      -pêhéve-nenoohé'šé-vó -s-et  
\mg  \ 1POSS-brother -PL whenever-good  -appear(?) -3PL-3-ITER

\tx  náohkevóešetäno,"    
\mr  ná-ohke -vóeše -tanó  
\mg  1 -HABIT-joyful-mental

\ft  "When my brothers look nice (dancing) I am happy,"

\ref FROG2 clause 5

\tx  é'ôhkêhéhoo'o.    
\mr  é-h  -ohke -hé -hoon
\mg  3-PST-HABIT-say-PRET

\ft  she would say.

\ref FROG2 clause 6

\tx  Exho'sóehoono        nèše kâsováaheho. 
\mr  é-h  -ho'sóe-hoon-o  néše kâsováahéh-o
\mg  3-PST-dance -PRET-PL two -PL

\ft  The two young men danced.

\ref FROG2 clause 7

\tx  Néhnéšévôse    votönêstse     éhnéestsenóvôsestôtse           
\mr  néh-néše-vó -s voton      -ét é-h  -néestsé -n  -óvó-sest  -ot
\mg  CJT-two -3PL-3 tailfeather-PL 3-PST-stand(?)-FTI-3PL-ATTRIB-PL 

\tx  hemé'konëvo      néhe  tsého'sóese.   
\mr  he   -mé'kon-evó néhe  tsé-ho'sóe-se  
\mg  3POSS-head -3PL  these CJT-dance -3PL:PART

\ft  Both of those who danced had tailfeathers stuck in their 
hair on their heads.

\ref FROG2 clause 8

\tx  Tséhnêšenáamêho'sóévôse    
\mr  tsé-h  -nêšená-ame  -ho'sóe-vó -s
\mg  CJT-PST-while -along-dance -3PL-3

\tx  é'ôhkeéestséhoo'o       oonâha'é'héhe,
\mr  é-h  -ohke -éestse-hoon oonâha'é'héhe
\mg  3-PST-HABIT-speak -PRET frog:FEM

\ft  While they danced, the frog spoke,

\ref FROG2 clause 9

\tx  "Nâhtatanèmo       ôhpêhévenenoohé'ševosêstse 
\mr  \ na   -htataném-o  oh      -pêhéve-nenoohé'šé-vó -s-et 
\mg  \ 1POSS-brother -PL whenever-good  -appear(?) -3PL-3-ITER

\tx  náohkevóešetäno," 
\mr  ná-ohke -vóeše -tanó
\mg  1 -HABIT-joyful-mental

\ft  "When my brothers look nice (dancing) I am happy,"

\ref FROG2 clause 10

\tx  é'ôhkêhéhoo'o.  
\mr  é-h  -ohke -hé -hoon
\mg  3-PST-HABIT-say-PRET

\ft  she said.

\ref FROG2 clause 11

\tx  Hévá=móhe    tsé'tóhe tsého'sóese  
\mr  hévá  móhe   tsé'tóhe tsé-ho'sóe-se  
\mg  maybe right? these.AN CJT-dance -3PL:PART

\tx  kâsováaheho   aénôhevóohehahoono      néhe  
\mr  kâsováahéh-o  aénohe-vóoheh-a-hoon-o  néhe 
\mg -PL hawk  -rabbit-?-PRET-PL these:AN

\tx  tsénésôhomó'hese.   
\mr  tsé-nés-ohomó'he-se  
\mg  CJT-two-dance   -3PL:PART

\ft  Apparently these young men who danced, these who 
danced together, were jackrabbits.

\ref FROG2 clause 12

\tx  Mó'ôhkêhestatanémêhénotóhe   
\mr  mó -h  -ohke -he  -htataném-é  -hé -not-ó  -hé   

\tx  oonâha'é'héhe vóhkooheho. 
\mr  oonâha'é'héhe vóhkoohéh-o 
\mg  frog:FEM      rabbit   -OBV

\ft  The rabbits were the brothers of the frog.

\ref FROG2 clause 13

\tx  Hena'háanéhe tséhetaa'óhta'hanéto. 
\mr  hena'háanéhe tsé-hetaa'-óhta'hané -tó
\mg   CJT-extent-tell.story-1

\ft  That is all that I have to tell.

This story was first published in the book Cheyenne Texts: An Introduction to Cheyenne Literature, copyright 1980, used here by permission.

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