Cheyenne stories

James Ant Minnie Bearbow
  • The Ground Squirrel and the Turtle
Andrew Birdchief Laura Birdwoman
Maude Fightingbear Mrs. Allen Flyingout
Josephine Glenmore
Anna Hawk
Albert Hoffman
Mrs. Albert Hoffman
Jeanette Howlingcrane
Ernest King
Elva Killstontop
Sylvester Knowshisgun Bertha Limberhand Gladys Old Mouse Ralph Redfox
Ed Riggs
Elizabeth Risingsun Oliver Risingsun
Ted Risingsun Laura Rockroads
Elsie Russell Marie Sanchez James Shoulderblade John Standsintimber
Clarence Stoneroad
Elaine Strangeowl Bill Tallbull Dora Torres Anna Van Horn
Julia White Dirt
Florence Whiteman Grover Wolfvoice
Leonard Yellow Eagle Mrs. Leonard Yellow Eagle
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