Cheyenne stories

Cheyennes have a rich oral literature. Unfortunately, as the language experiences increasing attrition, some of the stories will be lost unless they are preserved for future generations. We encourage Cheyennes to record their parents and grandparents telling stories which they heard, perhaps as children.

As time allows, we will add more Cheyenne stories, as well as personal narratives and other kinds of Cheyenne literature. So please come back again. Click on the title, below, of any Cheyenne story you wish to read.

The Absent-Minded Indian
The Bear, the Coyote, and the Skunk
Flute Playing
The Frog and Her Brothers
Frogs Say "Kovaaahe"
The Geese
The Grasshopper and the Ant
How Birney Got the Name "Oevemanâheno"
How God Helped Me Forgive
I'm Beading Moccasins
Protruding Teeth
The Rolling Head
The Sagehen Dance
The Squirrel and the Turtle
The Trek from Oklahoma
Ve'ho'e and the Coyote
The Whiteman and the Indian

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