Cheyenne Dictionary



-a'enenoné   vai. sing for a long time, sing forever. É-a'enenōne. He sang for a long time. Category: sing, time.

-amenonee'e   vai. sing sitting. for example, singing while riding a horse. É-amenonee'e. He is singing as he goes along sitting. fai: -noné. Phon: vs Category: sit, sing.

-amenonéhne   vai. sing while walking along. É-amenonéhne. He's singing as he's walking. fai: -noné. Category: sing, walk.

-aséhahtsé   vti. sing s.t. what is sung is some song. Némeo'ȯtse násé'hove-aséháhtse. All at once I sang (this) song. [1987:203] vta: -asénoot. Category: sing.

-asénoné   vai. start to sing. É-asénóne. He started to sing. Héne vee'e móspó'po'nȯhéhanéhe héne tsé'-asénonéstove. The tepee was used as a drum when they began to sing. Asénónėstse! Start singing! vti: -aséhahtsé; fai: -noné. See: -asénoohe. Category: sing.

-asénonéoohe   vai. quickly start to sing. É-asénonéoohe. He started to sing quickly. Nėhē'še hó'ótóva náxhóseonése-asénonéoohe. Then I tried to sing again. [1987:157] fai: -noné. Category: sing.

-asénoohe   vai. sing an honor song (for someone). refers to singing a special song. É-asénoohe. He sang an honor song. vta: -asénoót; fai: -noné. See: -asénoné; -asénonéoohe. Category: sing.

-asénoót   vta. sing an honor song to s.o. É-asénooto. He is singing an honor song for him. Asénoota! Sing an honor song to him! (said to more than one person; cf. ase-noota 'Start to leave someone!) See: -asénoov; -aséhahtsé. Category: sing.

-asénoov   vta. sing an honor song for s.o. É-asénoovóho. He is singing an honor song for him. É'osáane-asénoovósesto. He began to sing to them. [1980:45:18] Category: sing. See: -asénoót.

-aséšeme   vta. Gram: psv Ques: what is the verb stem?? start to sing to s.o. ??start to sing a song to s.o. Category: check. Éohkeno'e-aséšeme hó'ótóva hoxéheomēē'e. It is sometimes sung in the Sun Dance. [CLIFF.TXT] Assimilated -ašéšeme. See: -aséhahtsé; -asénoné. Category: sing, check.

-émoosenoné   vai. sing in a whisper. Lit: quietly-sing É-émoosenōne. He sang in a whisper. Category: sing.

-énenoné   vai. stop singing. É-énenōne. He stopped singing. [1987:94] fai: -noné. Etym: F po:nina:ke:wa. Category: sing.

-éškȯsenoné   vai. shrill sing. É-éškȯsenōne. He's singing opera as a tenor. fai: -noné. Category: sing.

-éškȯsenonéoohe   vai. sing at a high pitch. Étaáahtse'hósetšėšema'xėhe'ame-éškȯsenonéoohe. He ended his song in a real high pitch. [1987:150] Category: sing.

-há2   fii. tune. Énėhešē-ha. It is that kind of song tune. Ésáanėhešė-háhane. It is not sung that way/That is the wrong tune. Éséešē-ha. It has the same tune. Éséešė-hánėstse. They have the same tunes. Category: sing.

-háahpe'enoné   vai. sing loudly. É-háahpe'enōne. He sang loudly. See: -háénoné; -tȧhpe'enoné. Category: sing.

-háenoné   vai. sing loudly, loudly sing. É-háénóne. He is singing loudly. fai: -noné. See: -háahpe'enoné; -tȧhpe'enoné. Category: sing.

-hávėsévenoné   vai. sing badly. É-hávėsévenōne. He sings badly. Final -noné. Category: sing.

-hehpaa'énonéoohe   vai. sing louder. Étaohkeéšėto'sė-hehpaa'énonéoohe. He would just about sing louder. [The Singing Contest.033] Category: sing.

-hehpenoné   vai. sing beyond, sing further. for example, to keep singing after everyone else stopped singing. É-hehpenōne. He sang beyond. fai: -noné. Category: sing.

-hésemȧho'hé   vai. sing braveheart war song(s), serenade. These songs emboldened warriors and those left behind in the camp when the warriors were gone. ?? Category: check. É-hésemȧhō'he. He sang braveheart songs. See: momáta'énoo'ȯtse braveheart song; -némené sing. Category: sing.

-hésemȧho'hénoné   vai. sing a braveheart song. É-hésemȧho'hénóne. He is singing a braveheart song. fai: -noné. Category: sing, warfare.

hésemȧho'hénootȯtse   ni. Gram: pl braveheart songs. fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: warfare, sing.

-hésemȧho'hénoov   vta. sing a braveheart war song to s.o. Ná-hésemȧho'hénoōvo. I sang a braveheart war song to him. Category: sing.

-hésenōne   vai. sing from there. É-hésenōne. He sang from that; OR, he sang because of that. Category: sing.

-hešenoné   vai. Gram: rr sing that way. ... é-hešenōne. ... that's how he sang. É'ȯhkeno'mé'ésta tsé-hešenonévȯse. They also explained what they were singing. [STORIES.TXT] fai: -noné. Category: sing.

-hetótaenonee'e   vai. sit singing joyful songs. É-hetótaenonee'e. He's sitting singing joyful songs. fai: -noné. Category: sit, sing.

-ho'néhenoné   vai. sing wolf song. É-ho'néhénóne. He sang a wolf song. Final -noné. Phon: hl Category: sing.

-ho'néhenonee'e   vai. sit singing wolf songs. É-ho'néhenonee'e. He's sitting singing wolf songs. fai: -noné. Category: sit, sing.

ho'néhenoo'ȯtse   ni. wolf song. Plural ho'néhenootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-hoó'ėspenoné   vai. sing not quite right. É-hoó'ėspenōne. He sang not quite right. See: Ho'ėspeóoetane. Category: sing.

-hoó'henoné   vai. overheard singing. É-hoó'henōne. He was overheard singing/"I heard him singing." Névááhe tsé-hoó'henōnėstse? Who is overheard singing? Category: sing, hear.

-hoónȯsenoné   vai. lonely sing, sing mournfully. É-hoónȯsenōne. He's singing a lonesome song. Category: sing.

-hoónȯsenonee'e   vai. sit singing lonesome songs. É-hoónȯsenonee'e. He's sitting singing lonesome songs. fai: -noné. Category: sit, sing.

-hotamémȧsėhánoné   vai. sing Crazy Dogs songs. É-hotamémȧsėhánóne. He is singing Crazy Dogs songs. Éhvóonė-hotamémȧsėhánóne. He sang Crazy Dog songs all night. [1987:30] fai: -noné. See: mȧseha. Category: sing, societies.

hotamémȧsėhánoo'ȯtse   ni. Crazy Dogs Society song. Plural hotamémȧsėhánootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-hótsenoné   vai. cannot sing, be unable to sing, be unable to start singing, sing - be unable to. É-hótsenōne. He can't sing. fai: -noné. Category: sing.

-hoxéhenonee'e   vai. sit singing Sun Dance songs. É-hoxéhenonee'e. He's sitting singing Sun Dance songs. Category: sit, sing.

mȧhenoné   vai. all sing. É-mȧhenoneo'o. They are all singing. Category: sing.

-mȧhenoné'seh   vai. cause all to join in singing. Ná-mȧhenoné'sėhoo'o. I caused them all to join in singing. For example, I was singing so well that they joined in. See: -'seh. Category: sing.

-mȧhove'hahe   vai. be tired from singing. É-mȧhove'hahe. He's tired from singing. Ques: has a tired voice?? fai: -e'hahe. Category: sing, check.

-mȧhovenoné   vai. tired of singing. É-mȧhovenōne. He's tired of singing. fai: -noné. Category: sing.

-ma'heóneméa'xe   vai. sacred smell, smell sacred. for example, a smell of sage or cedar from using them ceremonially. É-ma'heóneméa'xe. He has a sacred smell. Category: sing.

ma'heónenémeo'ȯtse   ni. spiritual song, sacred song. Plural ma'heónenémeotȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. See: ma'heónenoo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-ma'heónenoné   vai. sing sacred songs. É-ma'heónenōne. He's singing sacred songs. Category: sing.

-ma'heónenonee'e   vai. sit singing sacred songs. É-ma'heónenonee'e. He's sitting singing sacred songs. fai: -noné. Category: sit, sing.

ma'heónenoo'ȯtse   ni. sacred song, spiritual song, ceremonial song. This kind of song is sung by Cheyenne Christians, whereas ma'heónenootȯtse is used for traditional religion sacred songs, such as songs of the medicine men. ?? Plural ma'heónenootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. See: ma'heónenémeo'ȯtse. Category: sing, ceremonial, check.

ma'xevé'kėséhenoo'ȯtse   ni. bald eagle song. fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

mátȧhénoo'ȯtse   ni. peyote song. Plural mátȧhénootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-mo'onenoné   vai. sing beautifully. É-mo'onenōne. He sang beautifully. See: -mo'onévone sound beautiful. Category: sing.

momáta'énoo'ȯtse   ni. Gram: pl brave heart songs. Plural momáta'énootȯtse. These songs are sung to embolden warriors for battle. fni: -noo'ȯtse. See: -hésemȧho'hé. Category: sing.

mónėsóonetanénootȯtse   Gram: pl ni. Kitfox society songs. Variant: mótsėsóonetanénootȯtse. Category: sing, societies.

mótsėsóonetanénootȯtse   ni. Gram: pl Kitfox society songs. Variant: mónėsóonetanénootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing, societies.

naa'énoo'ȯtse   ni. Gram: pl doctoring song. Plural naa'énootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-nėhešehá   vii. be that tune. É-nėhešēha. It is that tune. Ésáa-nėhešėháhane. It is not sung that way/That is the wrong tune. fii: -há2. See: -tšėhešehá; -há; -séešehá. Category: sing.

-nėhpe'enoné   vai. sing loudly. É-nėhpe'enōne. He sang loudly. É-nėhpe'enonéto ?[ It is loud singing (II) (for example, music on a radio). Variant: -tȧhpe'enoné. Category: sing.

-nėhpenoneóé'tov   vta. stand at the door of and sing praises to s.o. É-nėhpenoneóe'tovóho (né?) He stood at his/her door and sang praises to him (for example, singing to your sister-in-law). Final -noné. Category: sing.

-nėhpenonéóó'e   vai. stand in doorway singing. for example, singing for money. É-nėhpenonéoeo'o. They are standing by the door singing. Category: sing, stand.

-némené   vai. sing, make music. É-néméne. He is singing. (another recording) Ná-néméne. I'm singing / I sang. The singular subject verb form sounds exactly the same as the verb form meaning 'have a crooked face', which has prompted some speakers to give a folk etymology that the Cheyenne verb 'sing' includes the idea of having a crooked face. However, the two verbs are actually different, as shown by different pitches in forms having other than a simple singular subject. For instance, ésáanémenéheo'o means 'they are not singing,' while ésáanémenėheo'o means 'they have crooked faces.'. É-némeneo'o. They are singing. Ésáa-némenéheo'o. They didn't sing. tséh-némenévȯse when they sang. Tósa'e nétȧhé-néméne? Where did you go to sing? vti: némené'tá. See: -noné; -néméné. vta: -némeov, némeót. Category: sing.

-némenee'e   vai. sit singing. É-némenee'e. He's sitting singing. Category: sit, sing.

némené'e   na. female singer. Plural némené'eo'o. Category: check, sing.

-némené'heóneve   vai. be a singing person. chiefs were like this. É-némené'heóneve. He is a person who sings a lot. [1987:149] Category: sing.

-némené'tá   vti. sing s.t. É-némené'ta. He sang it. Éhnėxhoó'he-némené'tánȯse tsé'tóhe ó'kȯhóme. This coyote was overheard (by the man) singing it (the song). [1987:300] Category: sing.

-némenéóó'e   vai. stand singing, sing standing. É-némenéóó'e. He stood dancing. [Lover's Leap.012] Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand, sing.

némenestȯtse   ni. song, radio, stereo, music, piano. Lit: singing-thing Plural némenéstotȯtse. See: némeo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

némeo'ȯtse   ni. song. Plural némeotȯtse. na-némeo'ȯtse my song. na-némeotȯtse my songs. he-némeotsevótse their songs. na-némeotanótse our (excl) songs. Morph: /némeot/. Phon: vs Etym: cf. Ar niibóót. See: némenestȯtse; -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-némeóohé'tov   vta. sing for s.o. É-némeóohé'tovóho. He sang for him. See: -némeov; -némeót; -némené. Category: sing.

-némeót   vta. sing to s.o. É-némeoto. He sang to him. É-némeótóho. He sang to him. (newer pronunciation). See: -némeov; -némené. Category: sing.

-némeov   vta. sing for s.o., sing to s.o. for example, for his enjoyment. É-némeovóho. He sang for him. É-némeohe. He was sung to. É-némeóvȧhtseo'o. They sang to each other. For example, they were ceremonially passing songs on to a newer generation of singers. Némeoveha! Sing to him! vai: -némené. See: -némeót; -némeovomotah; -némeóohé'tov. Category: sing.

-némeovomotah   vta. sing for s.o. to sing as a substitute for s.o. É-némeovomotȧhóho. He sang for him (as a substitute). Nȧhtanémeo-vomotāho. I'll sing for him (as a substitute). See: -némeov sing for s.o.. Category: sing.

-nésta'omeévenoné   vai. sing songs from long ago, sing old songs. É-nésta'omeévenōne. He sang really old songs. Category: sing.

-nėšéšenoné   vai. sing for the dead, grieve sing. É-nėšéšenōne. He sang for the deceased; mourned in song. Initial nėšéš(e)-; fai: -noné. Category: death, sing.

-nėševenoné   vai. sing fast. É-nėševenōne He sang fast. fai: -noné; Antonym -nóvenoné. Category: sing, speed.

-nétȧhévenoné   vai. sing different. É-nétȧhévenōne. He sang different. Category: sing.

-nétȧhévo'a'hahtsé   vti. 1 • throw s.t. different.

2 • sing off-key. Category: figurative. É-nétȧhévo'a'hāhtse. He sang off-key.

3 • say s.t. differently. Category: figurative, sing, throw, speak.

-nȯhtóvenoné   vai. know how to sing. Ná-nȯhtóvenōne. I know how to sing. fai: -noné. Category: sing.

-nȯhtóvenonéoohe   vai. know how to sing. Nóoo, náhta-nȯhtóvenonéoohe. Oh my, I really sang right. [1987:157] Category: sing.

-no'kenoné   vai. sing alone. É-no'kenōne. He's singing alone. fai: -noné. Category: sing.

nó'oesanénoo'ȯtse   ni. Gram: pl handgame songs. Plural nó'oesanénootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-noné   fai. sing. Éasé-nóne. He started to sing. Nánéše-nonéme. We (the two of us) are singing together. Étȧhpe'e-nōne. He sang loudly. Étȧhpe-nōne. He is playing a flute. Ého'néhé-nóne. He sang a wolf song. Nééemėsómaepėhéve-nonéme. You (plural) sang well. (recheck?? Category: check. É'ȯhkeno'mé'ésta tséheše-nonévȯse. He would also tell what they were singing about. (STORIES.TXT). Étšėheše-nonéhoo'o. Wow, he is singing this way. (pret). fii: -nonétó. See: -némené; -e'hahe. Etym: *na·ke· (R) sing; F po:nina:ke:wa. Category: sing.

-noné'seh   vta. cause s.o. to sing. Námȧhe-noné'šehaeneo'o. They made us all sing. Category: sing.

-noo'ȯtse   fni. song. ho'néhe-noo'ȯtse wolf song. ho'néhe-nootȯtse wolf songs. hésemȧho'hé-nootȯtse war songs. hotamémȧsėhánoo'ȯtse Crazy Dogs Society song. mátȧhé-nootȯtse peyote songs. mótsėsóonetané-nootȯtse Kitfox society songs. ma'heóne-nootȯtse sacred/ceremonial songs (cf. ma'heónenémeotȯtse). momáta'e-nootȯtse braveheart songs ("growly songs"). nó'oesané-nootȯtse handgame songs. nótȧxé-nootȯtse society songs. naa'é-nootȯtse doctoring songs. ováxe-nootȯtse dream songs (received in a dream). Tsėhése-nootȯtse Indian songs. vé'ho'é-nootȯtse whiteman songs. véhone-nootȯtse chief songs. ma'xevé'kėséhe-noo'ȯtse ?? bald eagle (lit. big-bird) song (Schwartz 84). nésema-nootȯtse spirit calling songs. Plural -nootȯtse. Morph: /-noot/. fai: -noné. See: némeo'ȯtse. Category: sing, check.

nótȧxénoo'ȯtse   ni. society song. Plural nótȧxénootȯtse; AlternatePlural nótȧxénoonȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-nóvenoné   vai. sing slowly, slowly sing. É-nóvenōne. He sang slowly. fai: -noné; Antonym -nėševenoné. Category: sing.

-oé'tovenoné   vai. stumble in singing. É-oé'tovenoneo'o. They aren't singing together/they are not singing in coordinated fashion. Category: sing.

-óoetanévenoné   vai. sing in Crow. É-óoetanévenōne. He sang in Crow. See: -tsėhésenoné sing in Cheyenne; -Óoetane Crow. Category: sing.

-otoésenoné   vai. sing strangely. É-otoésenōne. He sang strangely. fai: -noné. Category: sing.

-ováxenoné   vai. sing a dream song. É-ováxenōne. He sang a dream song. Category: sing.

ováxenoo'ȯtse   ni. dream song. Plural ováxenootȯtse. a song received in a dream; this is considered "a real good song"--Rena Cook sings it. fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-pȧhávenoné   vai. good.sing. Variant: -pėhévenoné. Category: sing.

-pėhévenoné   vai. sing well. É-pėhévenōne. He sang nicely. fai: -noné. See: -pėhévo'a'xe sing well. Category: sounds, sing.

-pėhévenonétó   vii. be nice music, good music - be. É-pėhévenonéto. It's pretty music. for example, on a radio. Category: sing.

-pėhévo'a'xe   vai. sing well, talk well. É-pėhévo'a'xe. He sang well. See: -pėhévenoné sing well. Category: sing, speak, check.

-pėhévo'e'hahe   vai. have a good singing voice. É-pėhévo'e'hahe. He has a nice singing voice. See: -pėhéve'hahe. Category: sing.

-pe'pe'enoné   vai. sing off tune. É-pe'pe'enōne. He's singing off tune. Category: sing.

-šé'šenoné   vai. sing gourd songs. Ques: šé'šenonone?? Éohkėšé'šenoneo'o. They sing gourd songs. [Sweat Lodges.008] fai: -noné. Category: sing, check.

šéstotó'etȧhpeno   n. cedar flute, flute - cedar. Synonym vé'evėšéstotó'etȧhpeno. See: tȧhpenon. Category: sing.

-tȧhpe'enoné   vai. sing loudly. É-tȧhpe'enōne. He sang loudly. Antonym -he'kenéméne; fai: -noné. See: -tȧhpenoné; -háahpe'enoné; -háenoné. Category: sing.

tȧhpeno   1 • ni. flute, whistle. or other wind instruments such as a horn or trombone. Usage: obsolescing Plural tȧhpenonȯtse. vé'evėšéstotó'etȧhpeno cedar flute.

2 • na. flute, whistle. animate for some speakers. Plural tȧhpenono; Oblique tȧhpénónéva. See: é'e'šestȯtse. Etym: *pepikwani. See: šéstotó'etȧhpeno cedar flute. Category: sing, ceremonial.

-tȧhpenoné   vai. play the flute. É-tȧhpenōne. He's playing the flute. Category: sounds, sing.

tȧhpenonénootȯtse   ni. Gram: pl flute songs ?? Category: check, sing.

-tónėšenoné   vai. how sing. É-tónėšenōne? What is he singing about? fai: -noné. Category: sing.

-tooxenoné   vai. sing low. étšėšema'xemo'ó'e-tooxenōne. She sang a real low alto. [1987:150] Usage: probably a loan transl. from English See: -mo'ó'xoe'hahe. Category: sing.

-tsėhésenoné   vai. sing Indian songs. É-tsėhésenōne. He sang Indian songs. Category: sing.

Tsėhésenoo'ȯtse   ni. Cheyenne song, Indian song. Plural Tsėhésenootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-tsėhešehá   vii. have this tune, be sung so. Ótahe, é-tšėhešeha ... Listen, this (to follow) is the way this song is sung ... Final -ehá. See: -nėhešeha. Category: sing.

-tsėhešenoné   vai. sing this way. É-tšėhešenōne ... He sang like this ... Tšėhešenōnėstse ...! Sing like this ...! fai: -noné. Category: sing.

-tšėhešenoné   vai. sing this way. É-tšėhešenōne ... He sang like this ... Tšėhešenōnėstse ...! Sing like this ...! Final -noné. Category: sing.

-vá'ȯsenōne   vai. complete singing. É-vá'ȯsenōne. He sang the last song. Category: sing.

-vého'é   vai. sing words. É-véhó'e. He put words in the song. Éohke-vého'énove. (This song) has words. [1987:300] Éne'eváve-véhó'e. He is recognized by his song (that he made). vta: -vého'ót. See: -vého'ósané. Category: sing.

-vého'ót   vta. call s.o. by name, praise s.o. É-vého'oto. He called him by name. É-vého'ótóho. (newer pronunciation). [1987:156] "Néto'se-vého'otȧtse," náxhéto. "Néto'se-vovóhnėheševého'otȧtse." "I'm going to praise you in song," I told (God). "I'm going to praise you in song." [1987:156] éheše-vého'oto Ma'heóneva that's how she praised God. [1987:168] See: -véh; -vovéh. Reduplicated -vového'ót. Category: sing.

véhonenoo'ȯtse   ni. chief song. a special class of songs. Plural véhonenootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-vé'ho'énoné   vai. sing in English, sing in the whiteman way. É-vé'ho'énóne. He sang in English. See: -tsėhésenoné. Category: sing.

vé'ho'énoo'ȯtse   ni. whiteman song. Plural vé'ho'énootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-vésenoné   vai. sing with. É-vésenōne. He sang with (others). fai: -noné. Category: sing.

vó'aehenémeo'ȯtse   ni. antelope song. Variant: vó'kaenoonestȯtse. Category: sing.

-vó'kaehénoné   vai. antelope sing. héne tsésta-vó'kaehénonénove, tséxhenove that's (the name), Antelope Singing, as it is said. [1987:94] Category: sing.

vó'kaenoonestȯtse   ni. antelope song. Variant: vó'aehe-némeo'ȯtse. Category: sing.

-vového'ót   vta. praise s.o. Lit: repeat name of s.o. by semantic extension, to praise someone, such as when singing praise to God. É-vového'oto. He sang his name. É-vového'ótóho. He sang his name. (newer pronunciation). Néta-vového'ótone! Let's praise him! Non-reduplicated -vého'ót. See: -vovéh. Category: sing.