Cheyenne Dictionary



-amotsehe   vai. smoke along, smoke walking. É-amotsehe. He's smoking while walking along. fai: -otsehe. See: -he'pó. Category: smoke.

-asėtatováóó'e   vii. start to smoke. É-asėtatováóó'e. It recently started smoking. Émóne-asėtatováóó'e. It recently started smoking. Phon: vs fii: -atová; Final -óé. Category: smoke.

-atová   m. smoke, fire. Analysis is uncertain as to what is the first letter of this medial; one possibility is that the first letter will be an /o/ unless the preceding initial ends in a vowel, in which case the /o/ will not be present. Variant: -(o)'tová. Émé'-atōva. Smoke is appearing. Éhá-atōva. There is a lot of smoke. Énėhp-atována. He dampered it. Éhó-atováóó'e. Smoke is coming out. É-asėtatováóó'e. It started smoking. É-hestatováóó'e. The smoke reaches to (there). See: he'pó; -otsehe. Category: smoke, fire.

-atováóó'e   fii. smoke, smoke issue. This ending on some verbs about smoke is composed of two finals, -atová and -óé. This -óé might be the same as the -óé final meaning 'stand' or it might just sound the same and have a different meaning, perhaps something like 'issue'. Éhó-atováóó'e. Smoke is coming out. Ésáahó-atováoehane.?? Smoke is not coming out. Category: check. Phon: vs See: -atová smoke; -óé2 stand. Category: smoke.

-éno'tová'ov   vta. extinguish by foot or body. for example, of stomping out a cigarette (animate). É-éno'tová'ovóho. He stomped him out. Éno'tová'oveha nėstse'pohtȯtse! Stomp out your cigarette! Category: smoke, fire.

-énotsehe   vai. stop smoking; stop smoking (of a person). É-énotsehe. He stopped smoking. fai: -otsehe. Etym: cf. M po:nanosow. See: -éno'tová. Category: smoke.

-éstatováóó'e   vii. smoke come in. É-éstatováóó'e. Smoke is coming in. for example, it is coming into the house. Phon: vs Final -atová. See: -sé'továóé. Category: smoke.

-étȯhe'hané   vai. smoke a pipe. É-étȯhe'hāne. He smoked a pipe. Étȯhe'hānėstse! Give me a smoke (slang)! [1987:205] This is traditionally considered a cultural sign of peacefulness, calm, and absence of revenge. A story is told of a chief who was notified that his son had been thrown over a cliff and died. Rather than setting out to take revenge upon the murderers of his son(in one version he actually starts looking for his weapons, but stops himself), he loaded his pipe and smoked. This is a powerful example of how chiefs were to live, and, specifically, how forgiveness and absence of revenge were illustrated. See: -éto'én; -he'pó. Category: smoke.

-éto'éh(n)   vta. stuff s.o., load s.o., fill s.o. especially of loading a pipe to smoke. É-éto'ehno. He filled it (an.). É-éto'éhnȯsesto. They filled it (an.). Mó'-éto'éhohéhe. It (an.) was loaded. [1987:18] See: -éto'én. Category: load, smoke.

-éto'én   1 • vti. load s.t. É-éto'éna. He loaded it. Naa mó'éšeno'ée-éto'enȯhéhe hé'tóhe hema'aataánó'e. And he already had loaded his gun. [1987:276] Éto'énȯhtse! Load it! É-éto'énehe? Is it loaded? Antonym -né'to'én.

2 • vta. load s.o. É-éto'eno. He loaded him (for example, a pipe, animate). É-éto'énóho. He loaded him. (newer pronunciation). É'ȯhkeéeve-eto'eno hestse'óhkono. He would fill his pipe. Éto'éneha! Load it (animate)! See: -étȯhe'hané; -táhovot; -éto'éh(n).

3 • vta. brainwash s.o., load s.o. with gossip. Category: figurative, smoke, load, hunt.

-éto'ene   vii. loaded. for example, of a gun (inanimate) or pipe (animate). É-éto'ene. It's loaded. É-éto'énehe? Is it loaded?

vai. Category: shoot, guns, smoke.

-évo'tavotá   vii. 1 • smoke blow back. É-évo'tavōta. The wind blew the smoke back in.

2 • backfire. É-évo'tavōta. It backfired. Category: smoke.

-évotsehe   vai. smoke designs. That is, to look up in the air while smoking making designs with your smoke. In other words, making the smoke go here and there. É-évotsehe. He's smoking making designs. É-évotsėheo'o. They are smoking making designs. fai: -otsehe. See: -háotsehe. Category: smoke.

-háatová   vii. much smoke, big fire. É-háatōva. It's a big fire ; there's lots of smoke. Medial -atová. See: -háotsehe. Category: smoke, fire.

-háotsehe   vai. smoke a lot. É-háotsehe. He smokes heavily. fai: -otsehe. See: -háatová; -he'pó. Category: smoke.

heheséve'oo'o   na. deer leg bone pipe. made of the lower leg bone. Category: smoke.

héhnove'ohko   na. peace pipe. See: he'ohko pipe. Category: smoke.

he'ohko   na. 1 • pipe. particularly an Indian pipe. Plural he'óhkono; Obviative he'óhkono; Possessive -htse'ohko; Non-diminutive he'oo'o. Etym: *wexpwa:kana; *o'pwaakana (Pi). Category: smoke.

2 • Pipe. Category: names.

he'oo'o   na. pipe. Morph: /he'óon/. Usage: This pronunciation is less commonly used than he'ohko. Diminutive he'ohko; Plural he'óono; Obviative he'óono; Possessive -htse'oo'o. mo'ȯhtávehe'oo'o black pipe. Diminutive he'ohko. Ques: recheck pronunciation of black pipe?? Category: smoke, check.

-he'pó   vai. smoke. This refers to a person smoking, not a fire making smoke. É-hé'po. He smoked. Émȧhe-he'poo'o. They are all smoking. Oeškēso mȧxhéxaēsto nevenȯtse he'poo'o! When a dog urinates against your tent just smoke! (instruction to a new chief, meaning "Whensomeone does something bad to you, even as bad as stealing your wife, stay calm.") Mó-he'pȯhevóhe. They must be smoking. The modern use of this verb often connotes smoking marijuana.

vti. smoke s.t. É-he'ónȯtse no'aneonó'ėstse. He is smoking sumac plants. Mó'ȯhkeévėhe'pȯhénovótse hé'tóhe no'aneonó'ėstse. They smoked these sumac plants. [Gunpowder.002] fai: -otsehe. See: -he'pótanó want to smoke; he'po lung; -étȯhe'hané smoke a pipe; -amotsehe smoke walking along. Etym: *wexpwe:wa. Category: smoke.

he'pohtȯtse   na. cigarette. Lit: smoke-NOM Plural he'póhtoto; Obviative he'póhtoto; Possessive -htse'pohtȯtse. See: -he'pó smoke; he'po lung. Category: smoke.

-he'pó'seh   vta. give s.o. a smoke, cause s.o. to smoke. É-he'pó'sėhóho. He gave him a smoke. Néx-he'pó'šešėstse! Give me a smoke!/Give me a cigarette! He'pó'šėšeha! Give him a smoke! Category: smoke.

-he'pó'tov   vta. smoke s.o. refers to the animate thing smoked, especially a pipe. É-he'pónoto he'óhkono. He smoked a pipe. Category: smoke.

-he'póméa'há   vii. smell of cigarettes. É-he'póméá'ha. It smells of cigarettes. Category: smoke, smell.

-he'poo'e   vai. sit smoking. É-he'poo'e. He is sitting smoking. É'ȯhkeévė-he'poo'e. He would sit and smoke. [1987:220] Final -oe. Phon: vs See: -he'pó smoke. Category: sit, smoke.

-he'póšé   vai. smoke lying down. É-he'póše. He's smoking lying down. Category: smoke, lie, check.

-he'pótanó   vai. want to smoke. É-he'pótáno. He wants to smoke. Category: smoke.

-heómotsehe   vai. smoke too much. É-heómotsehe. He smokes too much. Etym: cf. M osa:manosaw. Category: smoke.

-hestatováóó'e   vii. smoke reach (there). É-hestatováóó'e. The smoke reaches to (there). Phon: vs Final -atová, óé. Category: smoke.

hestó'toe'óono   na. Kentucky twist (chewing tobacco). Ques: hesto'toe'[oono?? Category: smoke, record.

hestse'óhkono   na. Gram: poss his/her pipe. Possessive -htse'óhko. Category: smoke.

-hóatová   vii. smoke issue from. especially of smoke coming out of a chimney or stovepipe. É-hóatōva. Smoke is coming out (of the chimney). fii: -atová. See: -he'pó. Category: smoke, tepee.

-hóatováóó'e   vii. smoke issue from, smoke come out. É-hóatováóó'e. Smoke is coming out. Ésáa-hóatováoehane. Smoke is not coming out. Phon: vs fii: -atová; Final -óé2. Category: smoke.

-hóetová   vai. smoke come out. É-hóetōva. A lot of smoke is coming out (of the chimney). See: -hóatová. Category: smoke.

-hóetovanahné   vai. Ques: recheck gloss?? Néma'xė-hóetovánáhne. You're making a lot of smoke come out (of your chimney). Category: smoke.

-ho'ėšeme'óoná   vai. light a cigarette. É-ho'ėšeme'óóna. He's lighting a cigarette. tséstȧhestomė-ho'ėšeme'óónȧse while he was lighting his cigarette. [Stamper 1991:10] Possessive -hto'ėšeme'óonahtȯtse. See: -tsėhe'ėsém; -tšėhešėhasené; tšėhešėhasēō'o; -éxo'ȧsénahné. Category: fire, smoke.

ho'ėšeme'óonahtȯtse   ni. lighter. Plural ho'ėšeme'óonáhtotȯtse. Category: smoke.

hoóhtsenáheónó'e   ni. smoke flap pole. This is the pole(s) that holds up the flaps that allow smoke to exit the tepee. Phon: iah ?? Category: check. For some speakers the sg. is both sg. and pl. AltPl=hoóhtsenáheonó'ėstse Medial -ó'(e); Plural hoóhtsenáheonó'e ??. Category: check. Actions which people do with these poles are: -nėhpo'an 'close s.t. (that is, the smoke hole)', -ta'ta'en 'open s.t.'. See: -hóatová. Category: tepee, smoke.

-htse'ésame   ni. pipestem. nȧ-htse'ésame my pipestem. [Gunpowder:047] he-stse'ésame his pipestem. Category: smoke.

-htse'ohko   na. pipe (poss.) nȧ-htse'ohko my pipe. he-stse'óhkono his pipe(s). IndepNoun he'óhko. Category: smoke.

-htse'pohtȯtse   ni. Gram: poss cigarette (poss.) nȧ-htse'pohtȯtse my cigarette. he-stse'pohtȯtse his cigarette. IndepNoun he'pohtȯtse. Category: smoke.

-mȧhotsehe   vai. all smoke. É-mȧhotsėheo'o. They are all smoking. fai: -otsehe. See: -he'pó smoke. Category: smoke.

ma'e'ohko   na. red pipe. The red pipe and other pipes had different symbolisms. See: he'ohko pipe; ma'e'oo'o red pipestone. Etym: *meskwixpwa:kana. Category: smoke.

-ma'en1   fti. roll s.t. (paper), paper - do to s.t., book - do to s.t. for example, to roll cigarette paper (inanimate), or to do a variety of things with the pages of books. Éase-ma'ēna. He turned it (the page of a book). Ta'ta'e-ma'ēnȯhtse! Open it (a book)! fii: -ma'ehá. See: -ma'e'ó'tsé. Category: paper.

fta. roll s.o. (paper). for example, a cigarette (animate). nesta tšėhešema'eneo'o cigarette (lit. previously this way-rolled). Category: smoke.

-ma'háhkėhevé'ho'éméa'há   vii. smell of cigar. Lit: smell of old white men Old men were observed smoking cigars so the Cheyenne word developed from that connection. Category: smoke.

ma'heónėhe'ohko   na. medicine pipe. Category: smoke.

ma'kóomeehēso   na. kinnikinnic. a mixture of dried leaves, bark, and sometimes tobacco smoked by Indians and pioneers. This pipe mixture is used as part of general Sun Dance equipment. Grinnell (1906) says this is actually a small dogwood. Plural ma'kóomeehesono; Obviative ma'kóomeehesono. Category: smoke, Sun Dance.

-má'totsehe   vai. run out of cigarettes. É-má'totsehe. He ran out of cigarettes/tobacco. Initial -má't; fai: -otsehe. Category: smoke.

-mé'atová   vii. smoke appear. É-mé'atōva. Smoke is appearing. Medial -atová. See: -véno'tá; -sé'továóó'e. Category: smoke.

-mé'atovánahné   vai. make smoke. É-mé'atovánáhne. He's making smoke. Aéstomevé'hó'e ééšėhóse-mé'atovánȧhneo'o. The little devils are making fire (literally, smoke) again. That was said when smoke arose out of a reservation coal mine. Category: smoke, fire.

-mo'ȯhtávatová   vii. black smoke issue. É-mo'ȯhtávatōva. It is black smoke. Category: smoke.

-mo'ȯhtávatováóó'e   vii. black smoke - be. É-mo'ȯhtávatováóó'e. It's black smoke. Phon: vs Final -atová, óé. Category: smoke.

mo'ȯhtáve'ohko   na. black pipe. Category: smoke.

-né'tȯhe'óoná   vai. scrape out bowl of pipe. É-né'tȯhe'óóna. He's scraping out the bowl of his pipe. Medial -he'óoná. Category: smoke.

né'tȯheoenévetoo'o   ni. ashtray. Lit: remove-ashes-container Plural né'tȯheoenévetóonȯtse. See: -oesepáené. Category: smoke.

-nésotóm   vta. hold two of s.o. in the mouth. Ná-nésotómoo'o he'póhtoto. I had two cigarettes (animate) in my mouth. fta: -otóm. Category: smoke.

nesta tšėhešema'enēō'o   na. cigarette. Lit: previously this.way-rolled Plural nesta tšėhešema'eneono. animate because tobacco is animate ?? See: he'pohtȯtse. Category: smoke, check.

-nȯhtóvotsehe   vai. know how to smoke. É-nȯhtóvotsehe. He knows how to smoke. Initial nȯhtóv-; Final -otsehe. Category: smoke.

no'aneono   na. Gram: pl mixtures, leaves (especially of sumac) mixed with kinnikinnic for smoking. no'aneono is animate, while no'aneonȯtse is inanimate. Apparently some speakers consider this smoking mixture animate, while others consider it inanimate.

ni. no'aneonȯtse See: no'otséstotȯtse; ma'kóomeehēso. Category: smoke, plants.

no'aneonȯtse   ni. Gram: pl mixtures for smoking, herbs. leaves (especially of sumac) mixed with kinnikinnic for smoking. Ques: Lenora No'aneonȯtse náhe'ponȯtse. I'm smoking sumac leaves mixed with kinnikinnic.

na. no'aneono See: no'otséstotȯtse; ma'kóomeehēso. Category: smoke, plants.

-no'kotsehe   vai. smoke alone. É-no'kotsehe. He's smoking by himself. fai: -otsehe. Category: smoke.

-no'otsehe   vai. smoke along with something else. É-no'otsehe. He smoked something along with tobacco. fai: -otsehe. Category: smoke.

no'otséstotȯtse   ni. Gram: pl pipe smoke mixtures, crawling plant ?? This plant is shaped like leaves; the leaves are mixed with tobacco for smoking. See: no'aneonȯtse. Category: smoke.

-otsehe   fai. smoke. Éhá-otsehe. He smokes heavily. Één-otsehe. He stopped smoking. Évést-otsehe. He's smoking with (someone else). Émá't-otsehe. He ran out of cigarettes/tobacco. Émȧh-otsėheo'o. They are all smoking. Éév-otsehe. He's making designs with his smoke. Category: smoke.

péeonó'e   na. tobacco, bull durham. This is finely cut tobacco, for rolling your own cigarettes. See: tse'némoo'o. Category: smoke.

-sé'tová'eóó'e   vii. smoke arise. É-sé'tová'eóó'e. Smoke is rising. Phon: vs Synonym sé'továóé. Category: fire, smoke.

-sé'továóó'e   vii. smoke issue, smoke ascend, steam issue. É-sé'továóó'e. There is smoke (or steam) ascending. Éháe-sé'továóó'e. It's a lot of smoke. Variant: -só'továóé. Phon: vs Final -(o)'tová; Synonym -sé'tová'eóó'e. See: -mé'atová; -véno'tá; -sé'tová; -éstatováóé. Category: smoke, fire.

Sé'továóó'ėstse   na. Rising Smoke. Category: names, fire, smoke.

Sé'továotse   na. Smoke Appears, Smokey, Smoke Rising. Simplified Spelling Setovaatse. Category: names, fire, smoke.

Sétováatse   na. Smoke Appears, Smokey, Smoke Rising. Precise Spelling Sé'továotse. Category: names, fire, smoke.

-só'továóó'e   vii. smoke issue, smoke ascend, steam issue. É-só'továóó'e. There is smoke (or steam) ascending. Variant: -sé'továóó'e. Phon: vs See: -mé'a'tová; -véno'tá. Category: smoke.

-toenomósané   vai. ceremonially present the pipe, hold up the pipe. The pipe is lifted up ceremonially, for example, when bad weather is coming. É-toenomósáne. ?? É'ȯhkeévėhe'poo'e éée-toenomósáne. He would sit and smoke. [1987:220] See: -háóéna. Category: smoke, check.

-tsėhe'ėsém   vta. light something for s.o. Tsėhe'ėšémeha! Light (the cigarette) for me! See: tšėhešėhasēō'o match. Ques: recheck recording and spelling?? Category: smoke, check.

-tsėhešema'enené   vai. roll your own cigarette. É-tšėhešema'enēne. He rolled his own cigarette. Category: smoke.

-tsėhetatová   vii. smoke like this. É-tsėhetatōva. It smokes like this. Final -atová. Category: smoke.

-tsėhévotsehe   vai. blow smoke in this direction. Éxaehése-tsėhévotsehe na'éxáne. He blows smoke in my face. [PD1104] Final -otsehe. Category: smoke.

-tsé'ėšem   vta. light s.o., ignite s.o. Tsé'ėšemeha! Light him! Nés-tsé'ėšemeha nȧhtse'pohtȯtse! Light my cigarette! Variant: -tšé'ėšem. See: -ho'ėšem; -éxo'ȧsén; -éxo'ȧsé'o'h. Category: touch, smoke.

tse'némohko   na. Gram: dim tobacco. pipe mixture; part of general Sun Dance equipment. -no'anȯhevovóhe néhe tse'némȯhkono -they mixed in that tobacco. Non-diminutive tse'némoon. Category: smoke, Sun Dance.

tse'némoo'o   na. tobacco. Plural tse'némoono; Obviative tse'némoono; Diminutive tse'némohko. The diminutive is less commonly used than this form. See: péeono'e. Etym: *θe'θe:ma:wa (ending reshaped as if with -a:kan-a for Ch. reflex) (Go88). Category: smoke.

tsé-onéstȧhkevé'hoo'ėstse   vai. snuff, Copenhagen. Lit: that which is in a round container Category: smoke.

tséonéstȧhkevé'hoo'ėstse nėhpo'ȯhēō'o   ni. Copenhagen lid. Category: new. See: -onéstahkó. Category: smoke.

-tšėhešema'ená   vti. roll s.t. paper this way. É-tšėhešema'ēna. He rolled it (paper) this way. See: -tšėhešema'enené. Category: smoke, paper, record.

-tšėhešema'enené   vai. roll cigarette this way. É-tšėhešema'enēne. He rolled his own cigarette. Tšėhešema'enēnėstse! Give me a cigarette! Ques: recheck that gloss?? Variant: -tsėhešema'enené; Medial ma'en. Category: smoke, paper, check.

tšėhešema'enenestȯtse   ni. cigarette paper. Plural tšėhešema'enenéstotȯtse; Variant: tšėhešema'eneo'o. Category: smoke.

tšėhešema'enēō'o   ni. cigarette paper. Plural tšėhešema'eneonȯtse; Variant: tšėhešema'enenestȯtse. Category: smoke.

-tšé'ėšem   vta. light s.o., ignite s.o. Tšé'ėšemeha! Light him! Tšé'ėšemeha šéštotó'e! Light / Ignite him! Variant: -tsé'ėšem. See: -ho'ėšem; -éxo'ȧsén; -éxo'ȧsé'o'h. Category: touch, smoke.

vé'ho'éve'ohko   na. whiteman pipe. Category: smoke.

véno'táeše   ni. smoke. for example, in a tent or room. Nesta vo'ėstaneo'o mó'ȯhkeméhaevé'šėhotónȧhtsėhevóhe véno'táeše. Indians (literally, persons) used to send messages to each other by smoke. Category: smoke.

-véno'támeeho'tá   vii. smell of smoke. É-véno'támeehō'ta. It smells of smoke. Category: smoke.

-véstotsehe   vai. smoke with. É-véstotsehe. He's smoking with (someone else). vta: -véstotsėhém. Category: smoke.

-véstotsėhém   vta. smoke with s.o. É-véstotsėhemo. He smoked with him.

make peace with s.o. Nééše-véstotsėhémoneo'o. We have already smoked with them. Can mean 'we have made peace with them'. Final -otsehe; vai: -véstotsehe. See: -vésto'tsém. Category: smoke.

-xaestá   vti. urinate on s.t., pee on s.t. É-xaēsta. He urinated on it. Oeškēso mȧxhéxaēsto nevenȯtse he'poo'o! When a dog urinates against your tent just smoke! That was an instruction to a new chief, meaning "When someone does something bad to you, even as bad as stealing your wife, stay calm, don't take revenge." Tóhtoo'éma'enóne éohkema'xė-xaestánóvo ka'ėškóneho. Children pee on prairie turtles a lot. Category: smoke. vta: -xaet.